Software Year : 2024

PADME: Let's Walk!

PADME: Allons Marcher !

David Rei


The "PADME App" application implements the PADME model (Personality-based Adaptive moDel for Motivation in E-health), as part of David REI's PhD thesis. This archive contains three source code folders: - the source code for version v57, used for the second experiment (chapter 5 of the thesis). - the source code for version v77, used for the third experiment (chapter 6 of the thesis). - the source code for the web application, used continously to handle the data and display it in a human-readable manner. The data produced during the experiments mentioned in the thesis is NOT provided in this archive.



Cites tel-04538519 Doctoral thesis David Rei. Interactions Humain-Machine Adaptées à la Personnalité des Utilisateurs : Application de Motivation à l'Activité Physique. Informatique. Université Paris-Saclay, 2024. Français. ⟨NNT : 2024UPASG012⟩. ⟨tel-04538519v2⟩

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