Conference Papers Year : 2018

Self-sustained oscillations of open cavity flows: when the inner flow dynamics couple to the shear-layer oscillations


Open cavity flows are known to develop energetic self-sustaining shear-layer oscillations. Such oscillations are strongly modulated in time, as the result of nonlinear feedback mechanisms and coupling with the dynamics of inner-flow patterns. The latter result from centrifugal instabilities that develop well-before the shear-layer start oscillating. Depending on the cavity aspect ratio and its span to depth ratio, a family of quasi-steady modes is selected at threshold for small aspect ratio while a family of left and right traveling modes is selected at large aspect ratio, as predicted by linear stability analyses.


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hal-01925568 , version 1 (16-11-2018)


  • HAL Id : hal-01925568 , version 1


Luc Pastur, Christelle Douay, Jérémy Basley, François Lusseyran. Self-sustained oscillations of open cavity flows: when the inner flow dynamics couple to the shear-layer oscillations. International Symposium on Fluid-Structure Interactions, Flow-Sound Interactions, Flow-Induced Vibration & Noise, Jul 2018, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. ⟨hal-01925568⟩
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