Conference Papers Year : 2024

Study of the propaganda techniques occurring in Russian newspaper titles in 2022


Russian elite and government are applying, for the survival of the current Russian state and its influence in the world, an aggressive politics, be it at the national or international level. Ideas related to nationalism and chauvinism are advanced continuously by Russian media to keep Russian people united and to maintain pro-Russian movements abroad (Snyder, 2014; Follebouckt, 2017). This politics is supported by informational attacks, propaganda and disinformation. In this context, in 2022, Russia prepared and started the war against Ukraine. The purpose of our communication is to study how the information flow from Russian media is constructed and which techniques are applied. We propose a corpus-based study. The corpus contains newspaper articles from Russian (Izvestia) and Ukrainian (Ounian) newspapers. The newspaper articles are being collected starting from February 15th, 2022, e.g. one week before the war. Among all the articles available, only the articles covering the same events in two newspaper sources are selected. Hence, the corpus contains comparable articles: they describe the same events but are created independently and convey different points of view. Articles on events analyzed in this study happened between February 15th and May 31st, 2022, for a total of 1,060 articles. We currently work with the titles of the articles, which propose their condensed content and aim to hook the readers. We annotate the propaganda techniques (emotionally loaded language, exaggeration or minimization, doubt, etc.) in titles, following a typology derived from (Da San Martino et al, 2019). Then, we analyze the techniques employed and propose experiments for their automatic prediction.
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hal-04865074 , version 1 (05-01-2025)


  • HAL Id : hal-04865074 , version 1


Natalia Grabar, Thierry Hamon. Study of the propaganda techniques occurring in Russian newspaper titles in 2022. METAPOL, université de Liège, Nov 2024, Liège (Belgique), Belgium. ⟨hal-04865074⟩
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